Texas Recycles Day November 14th

TEXAS RECYCLES DAY is an annual event sponsored by Keep Carrollton Beautiful.  In the past, this effort has allowed us to divert thousands of pounds of waste away from our Landfill.

WHEN:     Saturday, November 14th, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

WHERE:     Newman Smith High School parking lot

This year, our wonderful sponsors include:

Carrollton Evening Lions Club, collecting used eye glasses, hearing aids and durable medical equipment

Dallas Computer Parts, collecting used computers, monitors, hard drives, cables, software, electronics, phones, cell phones, stereos and printers

Firestone, collecting used car tires and car batteries

AAA Recycling, collecting scrap metal, and appliances (without Freon)

The Knit Group, collecting yarn

PTA Clothes Closet, Gently used wearable clothing for children and adults

Re-Candling, new and used or partially used candles

Carrollton Community Garden, garden tools of all types

(more vendors will be added as they are confirmed)

Email contacts:  Amy@kcbadmin.org or Diane@kcbadmin.org